Santa Extravaganza
Santa Extravaganza
On Saturday 10th December 2022 we took over the world famous Thruxton Race Circuit. Over the course of the day we had 200 Santas take on the course on bikes, scooters, roller skates, skateboards and good old fashioned feet! Local cake maker CK Bakes offered a free treat to every extant and spectators were entertained by local artists Jake Ward, Just The 2 Of Us and Andover Radio throughout the day.
With a Festive Market boasting 16 stalls EVERY penny taken in on entry was donated straight to out chosen charity of I Can Therapy Centre. A beautiful but very chilly December morning saw us raise £1,500 for this amazing cause. Watch this space for a possible repeat next year!

ICan Therapy Centre
ICan Therapy Centre
Every penny of profit was donated to our charity Partner I Can Therapy. They provide a unique exercise experience using specially adapted power assisted equipment to move and mobilise your muscles and joints throughout their natural range of movement.
Combining the science of human movement and wellness with the coaching skills of an experienced team of professionals and volunteers, we will help you feel empowered and enabled to safely and effectively increase your physical activity levels.
Exclusively designed to help you move more and feel better.
More details for them can be found HERE
Mind & Muscle
Mind & Muscle
Events like these simply cannot happen without the support of charity minded organisations. We were really excited and proud to be working with the local gym Mind & Muscle whose generosity allowed us to keep prices low and charitable contributions high. Their gym in Andover is run by ex-military personnel with a burning passion for delivering excellent training and coaching to members and clients.
From members who are looking to improve their body composition to our competitive powerlifters, bodybuilders and functional athletes, we have created a unique, unrivalled community. We cater for all - friendly, warm and welcoming, and it's easy to say we get it, all facilities preach it. Come in, have your first session on us, hold us to our exceptionally high standards and then make the decision.
Joining a gym is a big deal for everyone, is it all it's made to be? Does it have the correct kit I need? The answer to all is yes, we are also very appreciative of mental health with several staff members having or had treatment, it's a subject we hold very close to our hearts, and one of the team is always on hand should you need!
Their website is HERE

Santa Extravaganza 2022
Santa Extravaganza 2022