Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treating can be a real gamble with the unwritten rule being if the house is decorated, knock, and if it isn’t then stay clear! Some parts of Andover are great at getting involved and some not quite so much.
We are offering a family friendly environment where you are GUARANTEED a great haul from a mass of stalls and stores taking part in the event!
No standing at doorways because somebody isn’t in, or waiting at doorways because they are pretending they aren’t in!! Simply make you way around the participating stores and night market and FILL those buckets!!
More details of more parts of this evening will follow as we approach the date, but for now get this FREE event marked in your diary. Monday 31st October 4.30-6.30pm.
We will see you there…if your brave enough that is!

Freak Street Night Market
Freak Street Night Market
We are now on the lookout for stalls to come and join our spooky night time market. A petrified pitch is FREE, but does come with a few chilling conditions. if you’re interested, comment here, or email andovercommunityevents@hotmail.com for more devilish details and be part of Andovers latest family friendly festival. FREE MARKET PITCH!
Petrifying Pumpkins
Petrifying Pumpkins
Let’s talk Pumpkins!!
If you bring along your carved Pumpkins on the evening before you go trick or treating, we will display them all, light them up and give awards for the “best” ones!! As the night draws in this will give us a spooky wall of Petrifying Pumpkins!!
Get the date in your diary and hit the “going” button!

Devilish Disco
Devilish Disco
Once all the other elements have taken place we will finish off the evening with some ghoulish grooves. Throwing a few scary shapes to the terrifying tunes before we head home to enjoy our Trick or Treating loot